美国消防协会公布的NFPA 701防火标准,适用于公共场所的窗帘等不要求耐水的悬挂织物。NFPA 701是对于织物和薄膜的火焰传播防火测试标准方法。而NFPA 701方法2适用于表面平坦且表面积大于700g/m2的材料。南京睿督接下来为您详细介绍百叶窗产品NFPA 701测试方法2,如有对测试周期与费用方面的问题,请咨询:025-86583475。
NFPA 701测试标准名称:
NFPA 701:2015 Standard methods of fire Tests for flame propagation of textiles and films.
NFPA 701:2015 织物和薄膜的火焰传播防火测试标准方法。
NFPA 701测试方法2测试适用范围:
百叶窗产品NFPA 701方法2测试样品尺寸要求:
百叶窗产品NFPA 701方法2测试要求:
1.When any specimen continues flaming for more than 2 seconds after the test flame is removed from contact with the specimen, the material shall be recorded as having failed the test.
2. When the char length of any single flat specimen exceeds 435 mm, the material shall be recorded as having failed the test.
3. When at any time during or after the application of the test flame any portions of residues of the material being tested break or drip from the specimen and fall to the floor of the test apparatus and continue burning for more than 2 seconds after reaching the floor of the test apparatus, the material shall be recorded as having failed the test.
4. In the event that only one of the 10 flat specimens does not meet the criteria, five new specimens cut in the same direction as the one that failed shall be test.
5. If all five the new specimens meet all of the criteria, the material shall be recorded as having pass the test.
NFPA 130测试标准 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/usa/3239.html
更多关于南京睿督公司及百叶窗NFPA 701方法2测试,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575
电话:025-8658 3475
传真:025-8658 3457