Cable entry systems for Fire resistance of fire barriers according to EN 45545-3 (E45/EI30)
作者:admin    发布于:2023-06-20 09:44:16    文字:【】【】【

The European railway standard for fire safety EN 45545-3 regulates the fire resistance of fire barriers. The requirements and measures defined in this part of the standard aim to protect passengers and staff in trains against onboard fire incidents. cable entry systems meet the classifications E45 and EI30. 

EN 45545-3 describes the fire resistance requirements for fire barriers.
Unless designed with care, locations where cables within cable protection conduits are fed through fire barriers could represent potential weak points through which fire, heat or gas could penetrate.
EN 45545-3 sets E, I and W requirements for 10 different fire protection installation situations in acc. with the operating categories defined in EN 45545-1:

- E (integrity), with a performance rating of E15, E30 (in minutes)
- I (heat insulation)
- W (radiation)

E15 is sufficient for several of the 10 installation situations and operating categories.
E30, the highest requirement is specified for fire barriers between luggage compartments and passenger areas or the driver‘s cab for train operating categories 3 and 4. In such situations the fire must be prevented from breaking through for at least 30 minutes.

EN 45545-2:2020 EU Standard Fire Testing to Railway Components https://www.firete.com/en/popular_standards/590.html 
Fire resistance of fire barriers according to EN 45545-3 (E45/EI30)  https://www.firete.com/en/standard/583.html

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