BS6853 Annex D8.5 smoke density test using seat test method
作者:管理员    发布于:2012-03-23 14:33:06    文字:【】【】【

1. Standard- BS6853 Annex D8.5

BS6853 Annex D: Methods for measuring smoke density
BS6853:1999 Code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains.

BS 6853 Annex D.8.5 is utilized for seats (Tables 9 of BS6853: 1999). NB. Tests should be performed on actual specimen seats

2. Standard Brief-BS6853 Annex D8.5
The smoke density measurement taken from a material under fire conditions gives an indication of the visibility through the smoke, this is important as reduced visibility in a real fire situation makes it more difficult to escape from a fire hence increasing the threat to human life from the toxic gases, flames and heat.

BS6853 Annex D.8.5—smoke density test using seat test method

3. BS6853:1999 Standard requirement for Smoke density testing
Sear trim for BS6853 requirement: A0≤8.7

Tel : (+00 86) 25 8658 3475

Website: www.bs6853.org or www.fire-test.com

Email: info@fire-test.com


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传真:025-8658 3457

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