EN 14135覆盖物防火测试标准及适用范围
EN 14135:2004 Coverings-Determination of fire protection ability
EN 14135:2004 覆盖物-防火能力的测定
EN 14135:2004-This document specifies a method for determining the ability of a covering to protect underlying products against damage during a specified fire exposure.
EN 14135覆盖物防火测试原则
The covering is attached to the lower side of a horizontally orientated substrate and is expose from below in a furnace in accordance with EN 1363-1 during a specified time stipulated in advance.
The temperature rises in the test specimen are record. The covering is observed and the time when damage is inflicted on it is noted. After the test the damage to both the covering and the substrate is noted.
EN 1363-1耐火测试
EN 1363标准就是针对耐火极限的测试标准,耐火极限的划分方法是根据耐火时间的长短来考量了,从20分钟到3小时。考量的指标包含背火面是否起明火,表面温升,是否漏烟。
EN 1363-1耐火测试适用范围:
EN 1363-1相关标准
EN 1363-1 Fire resistance tests.General requirement.
EN 1363-1 耐火测试,一般要求。
更多关于EN 14135:2004覆盖物防火测试及EN1363-1耐火测试的详细内容,请咨询南京睿督公司
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