EXOVA MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY AB实验室已更名为ELEMENT MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY AB实验室,ISO9080认证是塑料管和管道系统用外推法测定热塑管材的长期静液压强度的认证。南京南京睿督公司提供UKAS资质的Warrintonfire实验室机构,瑞典ELEMENT MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY AB实验室机构所出具的ISO9080等级检测报告及证书,以确保您的ISO9080测试报告在全世界通用,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
Exova Material Technologies changed name to Element Material Technologies and we want to take the opportunity to remind you of that name change. The company still offers the same accredited testing and all other services you are used to. In addition to those you now also have easy access to all other 200+ global testing facilities in the Element group.
On 29 June, 2017, Exova was acquired by Element Materials Technology. Since that date, the two companies have been working together to integrate our businesses into a single organization that is now known as Element.
ISO 9080标准名称
ISO 9080-2012 Plastics piping and ducting systems-Determination of the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics materials in pipe form by extrapolation
ISO 9080-2012 塑料管和管道系统--外推法测定热塑管材的长期静液压强度
ISO 9080长期静液压强度测试参考标准
ISO 11357-3 塑料--差示扫描量热法(DSC)--第3部分:熔融和结晶温度及热焓的测定
ISO 1167-1 输送流体用热塑管、管接及配件--耐内压性测定-第1部分:一般方法
ISO 1167-2 输送流体用热塑管、管接及配件--耐内压性测定--第2部分:管件试样的制备
ISO 12162 压力应用管配件用热塑性材料--分级、命名和设计系数
ISO 17456 塑料管路系统--多层管道--长期强度的测定
ISO 2507-1 热塑管及配件--维卡软化温度--第一部分:一般试验方法.
ISO 3126 塑料管道系统--尺寸测量
ISO 13479 Determination of resistance to slow crack growth (SCG) of notched pipes
ISO 13477 Determination of resistance to rapid crack propagation (RCP), S4 test (Small-scale steady-state test)
ISO 1167 Determination of resistance to internal pressure for thermoplastic pipes, fittings and assemblies for conveyance of fluids.
ISO 22391 Standard specification for plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations-Polyethylene of raised temperature resistance (PE-RT)
ISO 4427 Standard specification for polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply
ISO 9080-2012 Determination of the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics materials in pipe form by extrapolation
PPI TR3 HDB/HDS/PDB/SDB/MRS/CRS policies and listed material
ASTM F2389 Standard specification for pressure-rated polypropylene (PP) piping systems.
ASTM D3350 Standard specification for polyethylene (PE) pipes and fitting materials
ASTM D2837 Standard test to obtain Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB) for thermoplastic pipe materials and pressure Design Basis (PDB) for pipe products
ASTM D2992 Hydrostatic or Pressure Design Basis for “Fiberglass” pipe and Fittings
ASTM F2023 & ASTM F 2263 Evaluation of oxidative resistance to hot chlorinated water for PEX, PP, PE tubing and systems.
瑞典Bodycote Polymer AB实验室ISO9080 http://www.fire-test.com/laboratory/8077.html
更多关于瑞典ELEMENT MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY AB实验室及ISO9080管材静液压强度测试,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司咨询电话:400-603-6575 025-8658 3475
电话:025-8658 3475
传真:025-8658 3457