Marine certification-(Marine Equipment Directive - MED)2014/90/EU
作者:admin    发布于:2019-02-27 14:54:39    文字:【】【】【

Marine equipment can only be installed on board ships flying the flag of an EU country, Norway, Iceland and other flag states if it is marked with the MED mark of conformity, also known as the “wheelmark”.

On 23rd July 2014 the European Union (EU) published the new directive on marine equipment 2014/90/EU that repealed directive 96/98/EC with effect from 18th September 2016. With effect from March 16th 2017 the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/306 amending the directive 2014/90/EU come into force.

Smart Products Service Co.,LTD (of 1622/16F Deying Mansion, No.118 Middle Jiangdong Road, Nanjing 210012, China) is an EXOVA Warringtonfire associated cooperative office.

Warringtonfire is also a Notified Body under the Marine Equipment Directive (MED) and is therefore able to provide the necessary marine certification (Wheelmark) and testing to give approval for products for use in vessels sailing in European waters or which are European registered.

Marine certification is a unique route to market, as once you are certified and, on the register, you have a direct line to potential customers.

The first step for marine certification for fire protection equipment is to submit a request for services to the Notified Body which must include documentation relating to the product and its nature dependant on the Modules selected.

The product is then subject to "sample selection" and tested and if the criteria within the Fire Test Procedure Code are met, the Notified Body issues EC Type Examination Certification. While the product is selected, the Notified Body (or another if required by the manufacturer) reviews the quality assurance systems of the manufacturer.

If the Notified Body is satisfied that the requirements of Modules D, E or F are met, they will then issue a Quality Assurance Certificate of Conformity and registers the product in the www.mared.org website.

On receipt of this and the Type Examination Certificate, the manufacturer himself affixes the Mark of Conformity (Wheelmark) to the product and issues a Declaration of Conformity. Check the Wheelmark database for a list companies registered. 

Other types of marine certification
USCG Approval 

In 2005, the signing of an MRA between the European Commission and the USCG meant that a Type Approvals and Quality Audits conducted in Europe would have validity in the USA and vice versa. Certificates are issued which have USCG approval numbers attached. 

Other Flag States
Warringtonfire acts under the authority of the Maritime Coastguard Agency. In issuing Type Examination certificates and therefore many (although not all) Flag States recognize the certificates Warringtonfire issue. Warringtonfire has also worked to obtain recognition in its own right with other Flag States and can now act on behalf of Canada in conducting all the preparatory work prior to Canadian Transport issuing its Approvals.

Marine fire testing
Warringtofire undertakes marine fire testing services from our UKAS accredited laboratories in the UK, our NATA accredited laboratory in Melbourne, our BELAC accredited laboratory in Gent and our DAkkS accredited laboratory in Frankfurt.

All of which are International Martime Organization (IMO) listed test centers.

All ships sailing in international waters must meet the requirements of the International Convention for the Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS). Warringtonfire is the recognised world-leader in marine fire testing, providing testing in accordance with IMO standards which underpin European Wheelmarking and United States Coast Guard approvals.

Our Marine fire testing capabilities include flammability, smoke density and toxicity testing to the following standards:

IMO MSC 307(88)
Part 1 Non combustibility
Part 2 Smoke and toxicity
Part 5 Surface flammability
Part 7 Vertically supported textiles and films
Part 8 Upholstered furniture
Part 9 Bedding components
Part 10 Test for fire resisting materials for high speed craft 

Marine fire testing and certification

It is important to note that prior to performing any marine fire testing, a manufacturer should go through their certification body, a service which Warringtonfire can provide. Tests conducted on unsampled products cannot be used to obtain type approval.

Warringtonfire is your one-stop-shop for entry into the marine market. Our full spectrum of services includes marine fire testing, certification and advisory services.

To obtain market approval, products must comply with several marine fire tests and certification requirements. Warringtonfire’s marine fire testing service offering comprises fire tests to all applicable international standards. Warringtonfire laboratories are IMO Recognised and UKAS accredited and some of our staff are recognised as international experts within their field and are actively involved in the work of IMO with respect to fire.

Warringtonfire certification provides the necessary certification to prove compliance for fire protection products used on board vessels registered in Europe and USA. Regardless of whether the requirement is Wheelmark approval, United States Coast Guard approval, Warringtonfire certification can help you bring your product to market. No marine fire testing should be undertaken before fully understanding the certification requirements for your product.

船用设备指令(Marine Equipment Directive - MED)2014/90/EU是欧盟专门为流通于欧洲经济区内的要装在船上使用的设备规定的要求,旨在增强海上安全,防止海上污染,并确保这类设备在欧洲共同体内的流通。2014/90/EU指令已取代96/98/EC指令。




IMO船舶防火测试 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/imo/3403.html 

船用设备指令(MED)2014/90/EU-船舶IMO MED认证 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/imo/12032.html 

更多关于Marine certification-(Marine Equipment Directive - MED)2014/90/EU认证相关内容,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司免费咨询电话:025-8658 3475   400-603-6575


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