EN 15821:2010 Multi-firing sauna stoves fired by natural wood logs - Requirements and test methods
EN 15821-2010 天然原木燃烧的多功能桑拿炉-要求和试验方法
南京睿督公司是欧盟公告号(CE认证)授权国内机构,可以直接受理EN 15821标准测试认证,EN 15821标准已经于01/07/2011开始协调,过渡期一年,于01/07/2012正式开始强制。多功能桑拿炉EN 15821标准CE认证由欧盟公告号实验室根据体系1(AVCP System 1)或者体系3(AVCP System 3)进行测试认证。咨询热线:025-8658 3475。
EN 15821标准适用范围
This EN 15821 European standard covers multi-firing sauna stoves in which the heating stones are separated from and indirectly heated by the fire and the flue gases and which may be re-fueled with several fuel loads.
This European Standard specifies requirements relating to the design, manufacture, construction, safety and performance (efficiency and emission) of multi-firing sauna stoves fired by wood logs and provides instructions for them. Furthermore, it also gives provisions for evaluation of conformity (i.e. initial type test (ITT) and factory production control (FPC) and marking of these products.
EN 15821桑拿炉CPR法规下CE认证由欧盟公告号实验室根据体系3(AVCP System 3)进行测试认证。
从2013年7月1日起,欧盟强制实施建筑产品CPR法规(Construction Product Regulation简称No.305/2011/EU-CPR法规) ,新的CPR法规取代之前的CPD指令(Construction Product Directive简称CPD:89/106/EEC指令) ,南京睿督公司为欧盟公告号机构的授权合作机构,将为您提供专业权威的建筑产品CE认证。
建材CE检测认证机构-南京睿督公司 http://www.hksmartps.com/certification/3602.html
欧盟CE认证 http://www.hksmartps.com/ce/
欧盟CPR法规 http://www.hksmartps.com/ce/cpr/
南京睿督公司为欧盟公告号Notified Body实验室授权合作实验室,已为众多国内企业提供EN 15821桑拿炉CPR法规下CE认证。
南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575
电话:025-8658 3475
传真:025-8658 3457